Roblox Gear Codes – Find a lot of IDs (March 2025)

Check our huge list of all Roblox Gear Codes totally free. Find a lot of unique Roblox IDs and numbers for Periastron, Boombox, Infinity Gauntlet, Kohls Admin House and Car Gear in Roblox. This list is active and working in 2024.

List of Roblox Gear Codes and IDs

Gears are fascinating virtual items (tools) from the Roblox Catalog. Currently, there are more than 3,000 items from this kind at the official website. You can find Building, Explosive, Musical, Power Up, Transport, Social and many other type of Gears. Furthermore, we posted a list of all free ids and codes for many type of Gear such as : Periastron, Kohls Admin House, BoomBox, Car, Infinity Gauntlet and many other. Start browsing through the table to find the IDs/Codes of your favorite Gear in Roblox.

Intern Racing Chair 2014169602388
Meteor Staff87361806
Heat Seeking Missile Launcher67747912
Korblox Evil Eye59806354
ROBLOX Grab Bag34398653
The Necrosapien Staff64647651
Fuse Bomb11563251
Paint Bucket18474459
Mad Morning Star170902990
Black Hole Bomb28277486
Paint Grenade172246820
Subspace Tripmine11999247
Starblox Latte15932306
Hot Potato25741198
Teddy Trap12890798
Exploding Heart178076989
Pigs Boson Collider88143093
Bundle of TNT12902404
Fiery Bone Trap63253706
Implosion Bomb108875216
Korblox: Tripmine51757158
Axe of Blinding Justice183665514
Grim Axe107458531
Egg Fuse Bomb50454086
Bombo's Survival Raig Table243788010
Time Bomb80576952
4th of July Fireworks 20182014853976
Bombo's Survival Knife121946387
Amethyst Periastron Kappa93136802
Rainbow Omega Katana341110180
Arctic Fox Tail188853857
Ronin Katana12187348
Sword of the Epicblueness365674685
Mad Murderer Knife170897263
DarkAge Ninjas: Dual Kamas60888284
ROBLOX Classic Brigand's Sword10468915
Bat Scythe306971294
Sledge Hammer45177979
Ninja Claws160189871
Black and White Sword191261930
Spartan Sword20721924
Prehistoric Piercing Blade206136361
Elven Blade of Glory22788134
Pizza Sword602146440
Knights of Redcliff: Deluxe Sword and Shield Set127506364
Zombie Staff26421972
Shadow Sword103359953
Orc Blade10469910
Camping Machete123234673
Police Baton11956382
EKoSS Sword and Shield178076749
Adurite Katana286526176
Epic Golden Sword and Shield416846710
Midnight Sword160198658
Orinthian Mace92627988
Golden Steampunk Gloves243790334
Skeleton Scythe95951330
Giant Ape Arms126719120
Double Bladed Hand Axe12775410
8-Bit Sword361950297
Bluesteel Katana243791145
Pirate Cutlass10910681
Bamboo Katana21754543
Super Slash Cat Claws295460702
Korblox Ice Claws223785065
Gold Eagle Sword264990158
Evil Knight Sword1060280135
Springtime Cutlass Of Infinite Virtue24440014
Elegant Blade15470359
Stone Hammer13207169
Bluesteel Claw10758456
Trusty Blade96669687
Cavalry Sabre14719505
Builderman's Hammer of Shimmering Light53623248
Farmer's Revenge101106419
Danger Dagger96669682
Bronze Kopesh18481407
Wooden Sword12145515
Xanwood Katana489196923
Scepter of Pharoahs18482570
Wooden Club13206984
Big Stick317593132
Snowflake Shield and Sword583157224
Double-Bladed Scythe517827255
Beast Claws105289761
Dual Darkhearts108149175
Dual Illumina101191388
Pirate Lieutenant's Cutlass48159648
Tiger's Wrath Sword176087505
Deadly Thorn Potion59175777
Crescendo, The Soul Stealer94794774
Rainbow Periastron Omega159229806
DarkAge Ninjas: Combat Potion60888308
Linked Sword125013769
Sword of Darkness77443491
Polar Bear Attack Claws187688069
Champion Egg Beater Sword383609201
Bombastic Katana255800577
The Break Up72069827
Sword Cane25740034
Turkey's Vengeance Sword65969704
Dual Bacon Daggers168142394
Skeleton King's Sword95951291
Iris Katana of Goldengrove Unleaving22787168
Attrition Blade47871597
Chief Guardsman Spear62350846
The Arabian Nights21439893
Flaming Dragon Slayer Bo Staff73232786
Metal Fists183355969
Ninja Sai51346336
Viridian Katana295461517
Riddling Skull Sword37821996
The Sword of Shai174752186
Rolling Pin11885154
Korblox - Fallen's Spine Blade114020557
Sword of Nefertiti21802000
Spec Zeta Biograft Energy Sword66416579
Otterhead Shortsword21439778
Scythe of Singularity50938765
Spring Sword of Growth48159731
The Merry Avenger67319425
Diamond Blade Sword173755801
Ocherous Katana of the Setting Sun25545089
Redcliff Battleaxe903199054
Overseer Mace903197575
Twin Kodachi51346471
Sword Punch147143881
Wizards of the Astral Isles: Limb Stretching Spell106701702
Sword of the Autumnal Winds40493542
Illuminating Spear of Revengeance69947379
Judge Underwood's Gavel44115185
Telamax XR71 Shoulder Cannon61963621
Arabian Knight Scimitar71037076
Bo Staff 7000159199263
Golden Katana of Destiny108875151
Sorcus' Sword of Judgement53623322
Knights of Redcliff: Morning Star49929746
Towering Inferno Sword83704169
Christmas Tree Sword189756588
Overseer Sword & Shield223439643
Katana of the Golden Snake435116927
Giant Dinosaur Feet206136532
Ice Axe46360870
Epic Flail204095670
Black Iron Katana928914739
Sword of the Highlander12187319
Rainbow Katana158069071
Pirate Hook14131602
Dragonheart Sword & Shield172298750
Winged Magical Staff746686384
Spider Slasher302502491
Knights of the Seventh Sanctum: Sword and Shield60357959
Bluster Buster83704190
DarkAge Bo Staff160189629
Flaming Halberd168140813
Motherboard Sword1046323916
Skeleton Slashers306971659
Deluxe Pirate Hook754869699
Garbage Can Shield and Wooden Sword Set75550928
Noir Periastron Psi120307951
Frozen Flail186958653
Knights of Redcliff: Battle Axe49929724
Sword of Unvanquished Snakes149612243
Crimson Katana of the Unsetting Sun18017365
Joyful Periastron Epsilon233520257
An Elegant Blade44561450
Sword of Swords139578136
Knight's Elder Blade48395736
Golden Sword of Spring Growth226205948
Spartan Sword and Shield96669943
DarkAge Naginata244081145
Korblox: Berserker's Claymore51757162
Spec Omega Biograft Energy Sword98411325
Military Axe81847570
Shadow Dancer48159815
Bat Knight Bat Sword17680660
Knights of the Splintered Skies: Morning Star55917409
Battle Axe27171403
Mardi Gras Sword147937443
The Blade of the Federation880499904
Azure Periastron Alpha69499437
Laser Electrocutor Blade50938773
Bluesteel Alterer of Destiny97161222
Knights of the Splintered Skies: Sword156467926
Orinthian Sword and Shield92628079
Bladed Tutu168141496
Star Hammer45513203
Fencing Foil10831489
Spikey Stick of Civilized Negotiation18409191
Tempest Blades68478587
Double Sword Punch243791329
Interplanetary Light Sword1033136271
Fairy Axe109583846
Otterhead Longsword183797762
Sand Tempest Scimitar12187431
Korblox Sword and Shield68539623
Blizzard Striker280662903
Festive Periastron Chi139577901
Dual Wield Ninja Scythes754871615
Skeleton BattleAxe1088051376
Sword of Light77443461
Harbinger of Fimbulwinter15970544
Overseer Warlord's Sword483308034
Azure Dragon's Magic Slayer268586231
Golden Katana of the Unflinching Dawn18776718
All Hallow's Sword181356054
The Pharaohs Guard Sword317593302
Spider Morning Star302280931
Smashing Drum139578061
Sword Fish54130543
Poisoned Skeleton Scythe158069110
Danger Mace100469994
Red Energy Sword68233678
Bombastic Sword629893424
Sword of the Summer Sun54694329
Knight's Sword10831509
Sword of the Winter Winds42847923
Ocean Samurai23306097
Military Dress Sword88885481
Spec Chi Biograft Energy Sword139578571
Dark Falchion108149201
Retribution Ray85879456
The Luck O' the Irish74904413
RoVacuum 201284418938
Dual Spec Gamma Biograft Energy Sword335086410
Fang Of Anansi116693735
Dual Monster Axes315617026
Korblox: Spiked Arm Bracer51757126
Colonel's Cavalry Sabre49052716
Tribal Spear38326803
Seashell Snare54130537
Giant Blade96669697
Bo Staff47262951
Board With a Nail in It10510024
Chiefjustus Gavel120749528
Katana of Destiny46846024
Monster Fierce Basher204095724
Riot Shield and Billy Club Set82357079
Sabertooth Attack Friend709400407
Dragon's Blaze Sword105351545
Sword of Glowing Hope431038614
Saw Sword54694324
Crimson Periastron Mu99119240
Presidential Vampire Slaying Ax146047188
Uppercut Sword93136674
DarkAge Nunchuks160189476
Checkerboard Sword46132907
Crimson Double Threat22787189
Zombification Injection93536867
Statue Staff of Stony Justice59190534
Dual Katanas of the DarkAge Clan86494914
Ivory Periastron108158379
Intergalactic Sword170903610
Frying Pan24346755
Gearworks Sword356213216
Black Hole Sword1340206957
Zombie STOPing Axe522587921
Sun Slayer Sword1829078563
Pot O’ Gold Sword1513260464
Axe of the Divine Flame181550181
Bad Seed1645056094
Swordfish Sword1241156683
Inflatable Sword1560608167
Laser Sword and Shield1241586595
Emerald Knights of the Seventh Sanctum Glaive1587165780
Keytar Sword1789547756
Glorious Sword1760406591
Gem Egg Claymore1536052210
Crystal Blade: Amethyst Attack1678314358
Giant Kaiju Arms1117745433
The Axe of Undoing: A Walmart Exclusive73799348
Roman Sword and Shield1492226137
Anti-Vampire Stake1117743696
Crimsonwrath: The Red Wrath402304782
Combat Mop1560600467
Bear Arm85145626
Beach Umbrella Sword1903666770
Unicorn Nunchuks1513262045
Dragon Warrior Spear1320966419
Bladed Ninja Claw254608905
Sword of Heartsongs1402322831
8-Bit Sword and Shield2103274863
Jade Katana of the Darkest Forest21294489
Future Hammer972189904
Frozen Halberd1215506016
Sword of Starlight1981813154
Grimgold Periastron Beta73829193
Stinky Underwear Launcher121385230
Sonic Boom Tuba47871635
Festive Dueling Piano332748371
Inglaciator -6000185422055
Cinco de Mayo Piñata114687223
Golden Super Fly Boombox212641536
Smashing Guitar201756469
Frosted Santa, Harbinger of Christmas Creep40811356
Orbital Piano Strike113299590
Spring Saber728205177
Dueling Piano283755431
Worldwide Stunna233633874
Boombox Gear 3.0193769809
Dual Golden Super Fly Boomboxes409746054
Beat Up Super Jank Boombox319655993
Dubstep Boombox84417281
Red Rock Star Guitar152187198
Rock Thunder283754518
Face Melting Guitar99119198
Rockin' Feline Guitar835779898
Wood Cabin Snowglobe19111894
Rockin' Pink Guitar193771176
Guitar Sword60357982
Mega Annoying Megaphone65545971
Spooky Guitar13206887
4-String Roblocaster Premiere Guitar14492601
Guitar of Rock Excellence359244394
Robot Rock Guitar621090617
Electric Blue12504077
Overseer's Axe127506324
Drum Kit33866728
Adurite Guitar of Rock Excellence928913996
Red Stratobloxxer11419882
Gridiron Guitar15470222
Mariachi Guitar26673760
Ninja Guitar13841367
ROBLOX World Tour Lightning Guitar116040807
Ra'k Guitar18482562
Leprechaun Harp109583822
Rock It Guitar13477940
Jungle Guitar13206856
Light Face Melting Guitar135472231
Treacherous Throwing Knives1929592959
Winged Guitar1149579825
Seranok's Rocket Jumper169602103
Merely's Web Slinger169602010
Explosive Super Glider92142950
Blow Dryer11719016
Sword of the Eternal Abyss532254782
Golden Bow and Arrow204485737
Portable Justice82357101
Superhero Potion76262706
Ne'Kotikoz Incarnate61459592
Quantum Entangler72644644
S-79 Speed Stunter88885497
Gravitron 300074385438
Sleep Wand141759818
Attack Sloth880506541
Angry Attack Squirrel114687251
Artemis Bow92142841
Super Tone Cape130925426
Squid Launcher271017537
Leprachaun Potion380210977
Trololo Cape of Invisibility129471121
Magic Lamp71037056
Tiger Skin90211299
The Fiery Sun83021250
Stealth Ninja Potion86492467
Dagger of Shattered Dimensions71037101
Penguin Power Pet172248941
Subspace Debonair Disguise48596336
Giant Magnet1001649855
Super Strong Man121385328
Puppet Master91360028
Police Badge82358339
Eggstermination Slingshot228588651
Gravity Coil16688968
Heart Balloon146071355
Dual Gravity Coil150366274
Gigantic Bat Wings1074738432
Green Balloon27494652
US Military Top Secret Experimental Jetpack31314966
Speedy Shoes183355817
Korblox Bone Mace156467855
Positronic Platform Producer34898883
ROBLOX Invisicar129471151
Gravity Gun34901961
Speedy Cleats718259118
Big Bug Net698862470
Wizard Flight Spell461489128
Medusa Head89487934
Death Run 2 Shoes168142869
Book Worm128160929
Military Spy Satellite88885506
Bloxxy Radar29532138
Regeneration Coil119101539
Booster Gloves97161262
Grapple Hook30393548
Wall Walker35683911
Rocket Boots563288952
Chocolate Bunny24791472
Gravitational Radiation Hammer v0.0133866846
Speedy Hiking Boots904534702
Leopard Print Balloon176087556
Spring-loaded Jumping Stilts226206639
Wasp Wings117498849
Staff of Gloomy Grip33382711
Red Balloon27477255
Staff of the Winds18462637
Wormhole Tunneler34870758
Deluxe Hook Shot90220438
Super Speedy Purple Potion154727251
Magical Rainbow Pony26417031
Rainbowrath: The Avenger346686597
Wizard Orb38327125
Rocket Powered Skis190094313
Spec Beta Biograft Energy Sword14876573
Neon Mystery Cape257813288
Spec Alpha Biograft Energy Sword11999235
Sword of the Seven Winters93136666
Enchanted Bat Flying Potion63721732
Brown Bunny Accoutrement385780758
Spec Gamma Biograft Energy Sword21416138
Pogo Stick420161128
Spec Epsilon Biograft Energy Sword23727705
Super Stomp Boots97161241
Mostly Ghostly Potion527384527
Monster Attack126719148
Diablo Bow1180418251
Instant Snowman1230024287
Speedy Snow Boots1241585476

How to find any Roblox Gear Codes and IDs?

This is one of the easiest tasks you will ever do. You can find all these Gear IDs in Roblox very quick. To simplify the explanation, we will show you this process through some images which are straight to point and with very clever instructions. The one thing you must do is to focus on the red lines and arrows. Do not worry cause this is very simple and anyone can do it. Lets get started with the images.

As usually the first image you see below shows the official website where you should log in. This is a very easy step and you should already know how to do it. See the red lines and arrows in the image below to see the exact login page of this website.

On the second image you can see our one and only official profile at this website. Follow our profile if you want and we will follow you back immediately. Furthermore,  you should click the search field in the middle of the top and press once the space button from your keyboard. Therefore, you will see one drop down menu with five options you can search from : Games, Players, Catalog, Groups and Library. Obviously, you need to open the Catalog so please click on this button to continue.

Third image contains the section with all Gear Categories. Further, please click on this section and select any of the drop down categories. In addition, the best option is to choose all Gear so you can see all available items.

The last image shows our opened item. Furthermore, you can see the code/id location in the url for this opened item.

That is all about the visual process of getting any Roblox Gear Codes & IDs.

Example of any Code/ID

Please let us explain this process with showing you one example. For example, we performed a search for the code/id for this specific item catalog/257810065/Attack-Doge (Note: this is only the second part of the url). Do you see that row with the specific numbers 257810065? Well, this row of numbers is the Code/ID for this type of Gear. Next to the preview of the item, you can see some more information such as : Type, Genre, Uploader etc. In addition, you should know that the location of the Gear Codes/IDs from the Roblox Catalog is always in the url between the word “catalog” and the name of the item.

That is all to say about these steps. You shouldn’t have any problems if you have followed everything carefully. It is a very simple process and we explained everything in details.

Those who have troubles feel free to use our contact page to drop us a message. Our support is always ready to help.

More information

Do you know that you can find codes and ids for almost every item in this game? You can get such a lot of codes and ids for many popular items at our website. We provide everything that is related to Roblox. Therefore, to find the unique code for any item you want, you should visit our category with Roblox Items Codes. There is a list with all valid codes for Roblox.

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